You have taken place beside the Turkish genocidal regime

The only tv-station that has been able to put these crimes under serious debate, and on several languages, is ROJ TV

Eutel SAT

Vanessa O´Conner

Hereby the undersigned put forward the most resolute protests against Your decision to close down ROJ TV.

Over the years, ROJ TV has been the only mediavoice that has revealed the crimes, committed by Turkey against its minorities today and historically.

We, Assyrians-Chaldeans-Syrians, that have been almost annihilated during the genocide 1915 have not been able to discuss that openly in media before that could occur in ROJ TV.

Today, minorities are being persecuted and murdered in Turkey.

The last and most wellknown cases are those concerning the Armenian journalist, Hrant Dink, the preast, Santoro, as well as the three missionaries that were tortured and murdered in the city of Malatia.

The only tv-station that has been able to put these crimes under serious debate, and on several languages, is ROJ TV.

Now You are sharing the dirty game of the Turkish state, that is to silence the voice of its minorities. That is a disgrace that You will have to bear.

Turkey invests all its resources to hide the genocide against Armenians and Assyrians-Chaldeans-Syrians.

You have taken place beside the Turkish genocidal regime.


Özcan Kaldoyo

Jakob Rohyo

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