Open letter by Gabriel Afram

To all who lead our secular and religious organizations in Europe and the United States. Not least to our Assyrian associations both in Sweden and the remaining EU countries Since 1980, I have published more than 27 titles in the classical National language Assyrian (Syrian, Syriac) and aroused interest in the language among thousands of […]
Christian minority in Iraq seeks autonomy in post-Mosul Iraq

Syriacs, Assyrians and Chaldeans are ethnically and linguistically the same people. They take pride in speaking Aramaic, the language Jesus Christ spoke. Generally, they do not like to be asked whether they are Syriac, Assyrian or Chaldean. They insist that they are all the same and that such a question is of a divisive nature. […]
Big challenges await the new Syrian Orthodox Patriarch

High expectations to take care of a church in crisis have fallen on the shoulders of the newly elected Patriarch of the Syrian Orthodox Church, Afrem II Karim. Many also hope that he will “sweep out” the groups that have infiltrated the church and use it for their political purposes. But the future will show […]
Father Bedros – A patriot and rebel

On January 26, 2014 and at the age of 77 the well-known Assyrian priest Bedros Shushe passed away in Germany. Father Bedros was a remarkable priest of the Syrian Orthodox Church. He was interested neither in power nor in wealth. Instead, he was a patriotic rebel who encouraged the Assyrian people to stand up against […]
Turkey’s role in the kidnapping of the bishops in Syria

This article is mainly based on the investigations made by the investigative journalist Erkan Metin and the two TV interviews made with him by Assyria TV about the two Orthodox bishops Yuhanna Ibrahim and Paul Yazici, which have been kidnapped outside of Aleppo, Syria. Background On April 22nd, 2013 the two bishops Yuhanna Ibrahim and […]
”BETH-NAHRIN-WIEN” private foundation

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends, We are delighted to announce that the ‘Beth-Nahrin-Wien’ foundation (founded in Vienna in 2009) will again award a prize of 3000 Euros to an outstanding individual or institution. The prize honours courageous and dedicated work on behalf of our people in all parts of the world. The foundation seeks […]
Turkish Democracy — Only for the Like-minded

Stockholm (AINA) — In Turkey today there are more journalists detained without charge than anywhere else in the world. Many have been detained for years without knowing why. Turkey has recently made itself known for imprisoning journalists and opposition members to such an extent that the country now stands first among countries with state censorship. […]
Turkish EU minister compares the Genocide of 1915 to masturbation!

On January 16th, 2013, there was a meeting held between several Assyrian organisations in Sweden and the Turkish EU minister Egemen Bagis at the Turkish ambassador’s residence in Stockholm. Neither of the participating Assyrian organisations have released any detailed information about this meeting. But now some information about the meeting has leaked out – the […]
Kurdish Politician in Turkey Apologizes to Armenians, Assyrians for 1915 Genocide

Ahment Türk, the Co-Chairman of the Democratic Society Congress (DTK), a pro-kurdish party in Turkey, said that Kurds were part of the policies implemented in 1915 against the Armenians, Assyrians and Yezidies. Ahmet Türk is an independent deputy from Mardin, south-east Turkey. The Turkish Milliyet Newspaper reported on an interview aired with IMC-TV station where […]
Turkey’s Ugly Trap for Assyrians

Stockholm (AINA) — Turkey’s permission to allow the Syrian Orthodox community to build a church in Istanbul after 90 years of the republican period did make a great splash in the Turkish press recently. At first glance, this decision is seen as a positive signal by everyone. But upon closer inspection the matter looks quite […]